Post Processing Command
The Post Processing Command gives you the ability to define a program or operation to run after the MultiWalk session completes.
For example, you can have MultiWalk execute a program, such as the free program SwithMail, that sends you an email when the session completes. For example, if you installed SwithMail in C:\SwithMail, you could define:
- Command: C:\SwithMail\SwithMail.exe
- Arguments: /s /from “” /to “” /name “John Doe” /pass “password” /server “” /p “587” /SSL /sub “MultiWalk Project Completed” /b “Your MultiWalk project completed at %now%”
Of course, you would just replace the “john doe” and mail server information with your own.
You could also use it to call an audio program, such as Windows Media Player, that plays a bell sound audio file. The command would be the audio program and the argument would be the path/filename of the bell audio file. I found many media sound files under C:\Windows\Media. Take a look to see what you have on your system. I found this one pretty cool:
- Command: C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe
- Arguments: C:\Windows\Media\Alarm10.wav
Another option is to use the built-in commands “popup” or “popupalert”. These will create a message box on your screen when a MultiWalk session completes. “popupalert” will also give an auditory tone. Here’s how you can configure them:
- Command: popup
- Arguments: MultiWalk session has finished! (or whatever message you want displayed in popup box)